New science resources have just arrived!

What's new and ready for your classroom?

We have some very exciting updates this week. A lot has happened behind the scenes. Make sure to give us feedback too. Please don’t assume we won’t respond. This is how we can grow and help impact other teachers like you and classrooms too.

Major Figures of Science is complete and ready for you!

This was one of our largest resource releases to date. Spanning 45 different minds that have impacted the world! Many articles were read and late nights were spent writing but, it has been amazing! Y’all are already using these in your classes too. We’re just excited to be able to help make a difference with your students! Learn more.

We couldn’t do what we do without all of you. If you’re enjoying things, please let us know. Your voice really matters to us. If you’re not enjoying our resources or if you are, let us know so we can keep creating for classes everywhere.

Happy Teaching!

Matthew Schmidt | Founder | [email protected]